SARI Surveillance in the Americas Inaugural Meeting
The SARInet Inaugural Meeting was held May 29-30, 2014 at the Gamboa Rainforest Resort in Panama and was a success! There were more than 80 attendees from 23 countries and included collaborators from PAHO regional offices, WHO, CARPHA, CDC and COMISCA. The two-day meeting was full of informative presentations, discussions and focus groups and provided a forum for participants to share their experiences and learn more about SARI surveillance in the Americas. Furthermore, the SARInet platform was unveiled and participants were introduced to the interactive website, a centralized source for regional SARI-related information. Detailed meeting proceedings are being developed and will be available on the SARInet website in the coming weeks.
Our sincerest thanks to our hosts in Panama as well as all of the presenters, participants and contributors who helped make the SARInet Inaugural Meeting so productive!