Burden of Disease

PAHO organizes an initial meeting to implement the Respiratory Mortality Surveillance network (PAHOMoMo) 

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) held the initial meeting of the pilot project of the Respiratory Mortality Surveillance Network (PAHOMoMo). This virtual meeting brought together representatives from countries in the Americas, international organizations and public health experts to discuss the initial steps towards the implementation of this innovative network.     Objectives of the meeting   […]

By Natalia Acosta | Burden of Disease

Workshop to evaluate the effectiveness of vaccines through respiratory virus surveillance. REVELAC-i. Brasilia, February 20-22, 2023

The Brazilian Ministry of Health together with the Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS) Brazil, and the units of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) WDC composed of the Special Comprehensive Immunization Program (CIM) and the Emergency Unit (PHE), have jointly carried out a national workshop to evaluate the effectiveness of influenza vaccines through respiratory virus […]

By Carolina Serrano | Burden of Disease . Meeting . News . Vaccination